Each November, Susquehanna students gather for a Thanksgiving holiday meal in what has been an annual tradition since 1981.
Aside from the delectable turkey, the real treat for students is being served by Susquehanna faculty and staff volunteers. Even President Jonathan Green joins in the fun, helping to carve turkeys that are served family style with all the trimmings at each table.
Dressed up for the fancier-than-usual meal, students take their seats at tables adorned with linens to raise a toast, give thanks and enjoy a delicious meal with their closest friends. Dining services prepares approximately 3,000 pounds of turkey, 20 tofurkeys, 700 pounds of mashed potatoes, 500 pounds of stuffing, 360 quarts of gravy, 220 pounds each of corn and green beans, 2,000 rolls and 230 pumpkin pies.
This Susquehanna tradition showcases how the campus community comes together as a family, by demonstrating the care and regard faculty and staff have for students. New international students also are introduced to a U.S. tradition. The memories that students make on this special day last a lifetime.
Susquehanna’s Thanksgiving Dinner was recognized as one of “5 Fascinating Thanksgiving Traditions at U.S. Universities” by BrainGain Magazine in 2020.